How To Sell Drupal CMS? What to Say

As some of you may think that selling or promoting Drupal CMS is much harder than it is with other CMSs as it is considered for people who are more technical. Well, in this article we will answer two questions, how to sell drupal CMS? What to say to prospects?. Drupal is moving ahead since the beginning of 2018 and we can see now that more people are providing helpful content to help marketing Drupal and more sales material to assist Drupal shops in selling. Whether you are a developer, sales person, marketer or a CEO of an IT company you will find helpful content here about promoting and selling Drupal CMS and the latest Drupal 8.
How To Sell Drupal CMS
Let’s start with the common mistakes of selling any technology, first you need to know who you’re personas are and whom you’re meeting with so that you can choose the exact words and make sure not to use industry Jargons for example if you’re meeting with a CEO from the health industry they will not understand what PHP, sprint, integration, apache etc mean, you need to talk to people using their language which is generating more money, they are in their position or they opened their company for profit and you should provide them with how Drupal CMS can help generate more money to them, you can talk about flexibility, functionality, security, updates, modules, responsiveness, marketing power and many other features. Below are some selling areas you need to focus on.
Ask Questions
Questions of course vary from one case to the other but below you can find a list that can help you to check if the lead has a potential to convert into a deal:
- Do you have an existing website? Why do you want to change?
- What is the nature of your business and what website do you like in your industry?
- Do you have a TOR (Terms of Reference) document or RFP that list all the requirements?
- What is the reason of the website? More sales? Provide info?
- What is the feel you want to express from your website? Elegant? Clean? Crazy?
- Do you have any specific technology in mind? (Don’t worry if they didn’t know Drupal CMS, you will know what to say).
- What is the timeline for your new website?
- And of course try to ask about the budget but don’t stress on that question.
Talk about Drupal CMS
Remember selling is always about listening more than talking but when it’s your time to talk, grab the mic and start however, when the prospect interrupts you then it’s time to shut up! Listen, listen and listen again then talk. At this point you will have a better understanding of the prospect’s needs and the reason of revamping or building a new website and you will tell them why Drupal CMS is a good fit for them! Have a list of most common features requested by companies and tell them how Drupal can serve that purpose with an example of an existing website, talk about the below points about Drupal:
- Popular and powerful websites built with Drupal CMS.
- SEO Friendly CMS and how it is important for selling and ranking their content better than other CMSs (50% of web sales are lost because customers can’t find the right content fast enough. Source: Gartner Group).
- Page builders and how it is easy for nontechnical people to work with Drupal.
- Creating landing pages and forms to attract more leads.
- Security and how powerful Drupal CMS is when it come to security.
- Multilingual, responsive, media management, content types etc..
- Integrations with other marketing, sales and operational tools.
- Granular permissions to provide right access to the right users.
- Scalability and how it can grow based on their needs using modules.
- The community and your role in the open source community.
Going the extra mile
It’s your turn to shine now and prove why you should be chosen among other competitors, you can do that by offering valuable information about their industry and follow the points below:
- Provide the prospect with a well written tailored proposal.
- Provide one or two proposed designs to the prospect even if they didn’t promise to buy from you as this will show the prospect that if they become your customer they will have a worry-free experience.
- Don’t forget to follow up but give space!
- Be smart when asking for a call or a meeting and provide them with two proposed times to choose from but don’t nag!
- Viola, you got yourself a deal! (hopefully)
Give your prospect space to evaluate other offers and be optimistic and confident when you talk to your prospect and think long term because Drupal CMS as it is always evolving.
You will increase your sales by improving your selling technique, selling technology needs patience, knowledge of the product and most importantly knowledge of how to approach leads and how to convert them into customers. Drupal CMS is very powerful from the technical part but you need to show examples and go the extra mile when you communicate with your prospects as Drupal needs some time to get more popular.
We at Complete Chain has implemented many complex successful projects using Drupal CMS that are active on the web and being maintained. Need help on your next project? Request a quote here and subscribe to our newsletter for fresh content about the world of web development.
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